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Showing posts from December, 2018


I thoroughly enjoyed the photography workshop, going out around Belfast that day to take photographs on my iPhone I didn't think anything that good would come out of it however im happy with how my series of photographs turned out. I was inspired by Aaron Siskind's work although he keeps his in monogram I felt the colours and textures in my photos had an interesting affect on the overall photo. I think everyone sees something different with these photographs for example the last one  I look at as a window seal with a  mug sitting there and I find it quite peaceful. Even the first photo of the tree bark turned sideways I think it looks like dark, bold writing. These photographs have since also been edited slightly on lightroom as shown below. Do you see waves crashing in an ocean or a close up of a metal pole?

Interaction Design

Interaction Design was great for exploring through lots of ideas and seeing how all the ideas everyone comes up with can come together so quickly. Above our mind maps that our group came up, our idea was a camera scanner that scanned food items while shopping and gave you lots of different facts and statistics. For example the vitamins and what they do for you or what you should eat along side these items for a balanced diet. You could also receive points for eating and shopping at different places.

Movie Posters

Here I visited a shop in castle court which had movie/ programme posters displayed I found this inspiring and slightly coincidental. Here i am b eginning to work with illustrator to create my film posters I have three original ones which I  re ceived feedback and suggestions on how to improve before creating my final ones. I realised having the writing in the same alignment was important in the overall outcome and caused them to work better together when displayed together and the more simplistic the shapes the more aesthetically pleasing the posters looked, so I made everything from circles and rectangles.


I really enjoyed exploring Belfast for different types of typography. I have a big interest in branding and thought this opened my eyes to plenty of different types. The photo selection was interesting, it was difficult to narrow it down to a few for the small folded up booklet we made however I was pleased with how this turned out. I used the droplet icon on illustrator to create the same colours as some of my photographs for the front and back cover.